... be different

un "cuento chino"

un "cuento chino"

(Proporcionado por J.M. Vez)

What we perceive to be our imperfections could be
considered as strengths to others...

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung
on the ends of a pole which she carried across her
neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the
other pot was perfect and always delivered a full
portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the
stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half

For a full two years this went on daily, with the
woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud
of its accomplishments.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own
imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half
of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter
failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.
"I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side
causes water to leak out all the way back to your

The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are
flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other
pot’s side?

That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so
I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and
every day while we walk back, you water them. For two
years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers
to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would
not be this beauty to grace the house."

Each of us has our own unique flaw.

But it’s the cracks and flaws we each have that make
our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.
You’ve just got to take each person for what they are
and look for the good in them.

To all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and
remember to smell the flowers, on your side of the

4 comentarios

Monica -

A mi no me va a costar mucho encontrar "my flaws"-a diferencia de lo que le ocurre a anónimo-, a mi me sobran flaws. Pero como a ti Mariña, lo del unique flaw, no lo tengo tan claro. I´m still haven´t found what I´m looking for...Maybe someday.Really nice story. Y yo por qué escribo en inglés de repente?Pues ahora no lo borro, ahí se queda. La historia ya la conocía claro, compartimos teacher...

mariña -

Moitas grazas Martina e anónimo! Bueno, pois a páxina esta existe dende hai 16 meses e 14 días... así que pouquiño a pouco vou completándoa. Pero sí, teño pasado horas de cando en vez; vou aprendendo moitas cousas preguntando ás veces a outra xente que controla máis e a marioría do tempo descubrindo por min mesma.
Anónimo: eu teño moitos "flaws", pero o "unique flaw" non sei cal será... algún día tamén espero atopalo.

Anónimo -

jo, que historia tan bonita, tengo que empezar a buscar my flaw, me va a costar mucho, ji,ji, pero lo lograré

Martina -

Hoxe fun eu a que decideu entrar no teu blog. Estou impresionada, non pensei que esto dera pa tanto.Tes esto la mar de completo, como consigues todo isto? Pasas moitas horas retocando por aquí e por alá non?
Bueno saúdos, e sigue traballando que eu sigo fisgando.