... be different

Little Johnny

Little Johnny President Bush was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the
classes. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and
their meanings. The teacher asked the President if he would like to lead
the discussion on the word "tragedy". So the illustrious leader asked
the  class for an example of a "tragedy".

 One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a
farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him,
that would be a tragedy."

 "No," said Bush, "that would be an accident."

 A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children
drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

 "I'm afraid not," explained the president. "That's what we would call a
great loss."

 The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Bush searched the
room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a

 Finally at the back of the room a small boy (Lil Johnny) raised his
hand.  In a quiet voice he said: "If Air Force One carrying you and Mrs.
Bush was  struck by a "friendly fire" missile and blown to smithereens,
that would  be a tragedy."

 Fantastic!" exclaimed Bush. "That's right. And can you tell me why that
would be tragedy?! "

 "Well," says Lil Johnny, "It has to be a tragedy, because it sure as
hell  wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident

10 comentarios

mariña -

Os esforzos teñen recompensa SEMPRE, e seguro que non quedará somentes nunhas risas neste caso...
Eu presentábache ó experto, pero como non estou segura de se prefire permanecer no anonimato non me atrevín a dar o seu nome... É que se o fago público ó mellor empezan a acosalo con preguntas e xa non o teño en exclusividade... je, je! (son unha egoísta)

kaka -

Sufrín para entendelo, pero mereceu a pena. Está ben...
E terás que presentarme a min tamén ao experto ese... por iso de aprender e tal.

Sen máis...

mariña -

Not only an intelligent example, but the BEST example he could give!! Je, je!

Marykinha -

Oh my God!! And a intelligent example is the Jonnhy's One!!

mariña -

Esa dúbida a tiña eu hai uns meses e xa un experto no tema explicoume o asunto. O luns coméntocho na clase con detalle. Bicos!

alex -

Teño un problema, non sei cómo incluír documentos que teño no ordenador dentro das entradas como links. ¿Podes axudarme, please? Un biquiño! Por certo, o chiste é xenial.

mariña -

Unha tía miña, que vive pretiño de Bush, ten información de primeria man... Jui, jui!

ramo -

bueníiiiiisimo, de onde os quitas jopa????

mariña -

I´m sure Johnny could perfectly give lots of examples that support that expression, ji, ji!

Cecilia -

Smart boy! Johnny’s view on “tragedy” led me to the so called *collateral effects*...