... be different

15 principles to creating what you want

15 principles to creating what you want

Now a new year is here and new challenges come to our minds...


1. Never compromise your integrity for anyone or anything.

2. Don't try to be all things to all people. Learn to say no politely and pleasantly , but immediately and firmly.

3. Never wait for something to happen; make it happen! Do it now!

4. Do not be overwhelmed by the tasks before you. Don't try to do everything; just do something.

5. To accomplish your objective, first begin. Secondly, concentrate exclusively on the project at hand. Third, don't stop.

6. Let circumstances dictate your priorities; let priorities determine your actions.

7. Focus your efforts on the root of the problem. Don't expend energy on peripheral issues that are not crucial to producing results.

8. For maximum effectiveness, do only what you do best and let others do the rest.

9. Concentrate on long-term, permanent solutions rather than stop gap measures.

10. Don't waste time telling people what you are doing or what you are going to do. Results have a way of informing the world.

11. Don't make promises you can't keep; once made, keep them.

12. Don't be tempted to take the easy way out. Have the self-discipline to do the right thing rather than the instinctive thing.

13. Don't become lax; play every point as though it were matching point.

14. You are not through until you have dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's.

15. Avoid premature celebrations. You are not through till the check has cleared the bank

11 comentarios

Jordan 6 -

How fun! I linked to this on last weekend's weekly roundup and am just now getting around to letting you know. (I guess we were busy celebrating Easter!) Thanks so a lot for sharing!

Supra Skytop -

Choose your love and love your choice. This is the truth. Do you think so?

Supra Vaider High -

Practice perfect, as you well know, and perfection is within your grasp. Put in the extra time now, and make an outstanding impression.

mariña -

Coincido contigo, Kaka: o 3 é un cos que máis me identifico.
Moitas grazas por deixar o teu comentario, e máis sabendo o apurado que andas este ano tan importante para o teu futuro. Eu visito o teu blog, pero non estou deixando comentarios porque quero dar oportunidade aos demáis para ser mellores persoas ca min, jeje!

kaka -

Sinto pasar tan pouco por aquí, este ano estou tan atarefado que me queda moi pouco tempo para estas cousas... xa se pode observar no meu propio blog, que anda malvivindo...

Bueno, o asunto é que a min a que máis me gustou é a de 3. Never wait for something to happen; make it happen! Do it now! Gústame moito iso de provocar as cousas, son dos que non lle gusta deixar as cousas ao azar e se quero algo pois intento conseguilo e non deixo o nas mans de Deus (ou destino para os máis agnosticos).

Sen máis...

mariña -

Sí, iso de "tirarme dos pelos" é algo que me resulta familiar...
Grazas polo comentario.

alexandra -

Eu xa non lle fago promesas a ninguén, pero soio facermas a min mesma e logo non vexades o que costa cumplilas... Claro que en vez de decepcionar a outros, remato tirándome dos pelos eu soa. Por certo, moi chulo o video de Ray.

mariña -

Je, je! Moi aguda! A miña conciencia non me permite cambiar o once. Será por iso que non adoito a facer promesas se non é engadindo puntualizacións?

martrolas -

Quédome co punto once, pensemos que este non é de todo certo xa que promesas feitas e non cumplidas soen axudarlle a moitos a consequir o que queren. Pensemos: políticos, matrimonios relixiosos, testigos falsos...
Co cal a once debería cambiarse por fai todas as promesas convenientes para obter o que queres, logo xa verás se as podes cumplir, se non mal será que estas non acaben perdéndose no esquecemento.

mariña -

Sure! Thank you!!
I'll bear it in mind!

josemanuelvez -

May I add another one?

16. Don´t wait too long for future events to arrive… They have already come!